Monday, January 28, 2013

This world will self destruct in 3... 2... 1...

     Environmental concerns are high on everyone's list in these uncertain and troubling times.  Obviously, none of our issues will be issues, if we don't have a place to have the issues in, and that certainly makes our impact on Mother Earth a deep concern worldwide.  Yet, this becomes quite the debate, the further we dive into it.  Once again, it becomes difficult to discern the truth in our search.  One side argues that one would have to be incredibly blind and ignorant not to see the impact of humans on the planet, while the other side argues a much different story.

     Statistics and information are all over the internet, coming from both sides, and one can become lost in trying to sort it all out.  Even factual statistics and numbers from reputable sources can be debated, and so then the question of who can be trusted surfaces.  The truth is that agendas are everywhere, and those agendas are driven by different people with different reasons and for different reasons.  What matters to one, won't matter to the other, however, all those matters should matter, as all matters, in fact, matter.  Unfortunately, we can see the division of the race unfolding in another all too important aspect of our lives. One would think that when it comes to our quality of life, the quality of our environment and the quality of our futures, we could come together and stand united.  Unfortunately, we're gonna have to work on that.

     In order for us to make progress as a species, we're gonna have to review yet another situation which threatens our lives, and start making better choices for a better future.  So, how do we discover truth in our observation process?  How do we determine fact from fiction, separate truth from lies and know who and what information to trust?  The answers exist within all of us, and we discover those answers the same way we discover truth as it relates to every aspect of our lives.  Doesn't matter if we're talking about government, conspiracy, human rights etc., or even the environment we all live in, we have to apply the same formula here.  The search for truth is in and of itself, a search.

     Along the way, we must not only challenge the message or the messengers, the single most important factor, is that we challenge ourselves.  The truth is that we may never discover the whole truth, but that should not lay the foundation for us to create an excuse to, in fact, not search for it.  We live in a world of physical law and it would be foolish for us to ignore the law of cause and effect.  All of our actions affect the world we live in, no matter how big or how small, and that is truth.  Those that choose to do nothing, are in fact, still doing something.  We can choose to ignore these issues, and we can choose to think they don't affect our lives, but the opposite holds true.

     The time has come to face that which faces us- the future, and we don't accomplish that without facing the past or facing our present either.  So, in order to see our future, we're gonna have to review our past and see how that relates to our present... Our planet, is no stranger to disaster.  Disaster is part of Mother Earth's system of checks and balances.  We can all agree that entire species have been extinguished and wiped off the face of the planet in the past.  Common sense would tell us that the same can happen to us as well.  We, as humans, tend to look at the here and now, and quite often forget about the big picture.  We are only a small part of this universe, and we are not as grand a species as we so foolishly believe.  Our lives are nothing more than a blink of the eye when it comes to the subject of time and space.

     There are forces at work, which one can be more than sure, which we are not aware of, and it would be ridiculous to think, that we as a species, can control those forces.  We have only begun to study this world of our existence, and we have much, much more to learn.  After all, it wasn't that long ago, the earth was flat.  That being said, common sense would dictate that we don't really know that much to begin with, and that perhaps we should embrace a spirit of humility as we examine our current state of affairs.  Even Einstein, stated that he was simply "marveled" at all, and that there are only two things in life which are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and he wasn't sure about the former.  So before we get all "high and mighty" and impressed with ourselves, perhaps we should examine how fragile our lives really are.

     No man, is mightier than Mother Nature herself.  Disaster strikes everywhere and no one is exempt from her hand.  There are avalanches, earthquakes, volcanoes, blizzards, floods, Tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, heat waves, droughts, wildfires, epidemics, impact events and solar flares etc., which have claimed countless lives in the past.  I'm pretty sure that each and every one of these disasters will continue to happen, and continue to claim countless lives in our futures as well. And one should realize that this is only a short list of "natural disasters." Let's not forget "man-made disasters", such as agricultural, biodiversity, human health, industrial, nuclear disasters etc., and their effect on our environment as it relates to the air we breath, the land we live on, and the water we drink.  Humans have been responsible for more than their fair share of disasters, which claim lives, since our humble beginnings.

     Common sense would dictate, that in the case of man-made disasters, they too will continue.  Hind sight is 20/20 we say.  What was not evident to us then, will certainly be evidenced later.  We can debate, discuss and argue all we want, but the results of our actions will ultimately be revealed.  I firmly believe that in our search, we can reasonably deduce that man is in fact, making poor decisions right now, which will have negative impacts later.  With all the natural disasters which have happened and continue to happen, one would have to agree that humans definitely should be working towards decreasing the number of man-made disasters, in an effort to offset the number of deaths associated with the one's which already exist outside of our control.

     We should also realize that, all of our actions, also contribute to natural disasters as well.  We only represent a fraction of this world, but we are part of it, and it would be backward thinking to suggest we don't have an influence on it.  Every action has an equal and opposite reaction we have determined, and we should determine how that relates to our own lives and the lives of others.  Anybody who has studied mathematics, knows that every factor plays a role in determining the outcome of a problem, or the balance of an equation, no matter how small that factor is.  Our planet is starting to show us that there are some factors that we need to re-examine, as it is unbalancing the equation and presenting some serious problems.

     One can study any number of topics relating to our environment, and it will consume the rest of their life.  Change is needed now.  Not only do we need to take our environment seriously, we need to take our education of it seriously as well.  All of us can begin taking action at improving things immediately.  Becoming aware is a process.  Waking up is a process.  Searching for truth is a process.  Change is a process.  It took us awhile to get to this point, and it will take us a while to get to the next point.  The truth of the matter, is that we cannot continue on the same path, or we will get to where we are headed.   It is up to us to change direction and set the course for our own lives first.  As we create positive change in our own lives, we will inspire positive change in others.

     We should watch pointing fingers and making excuses.  The larger issues at hand, are in fact, driven by our decisions.  If the whole world decided to stop driving their pollution creating vehicles and machines, obviously there would be some serious change in government and industry.  If there was no need for fossil fuels, obviously a few agendas might just disappear and change.  If we refused to buy certain chemicals, obviously companies producing those chemicals, might just have to rethink their business approaches and products.  If we changed our eating habits and where and how we purchased our food, obviously that would affect the whole world.  We stop what we want to stop.  Governments, industries, corporations and all the conspiracies that go with them, are fueled by us.  They can not exist without us.  We are part of the equation, and therefore, determine said outcome of the equation.  There has never been a time in history, when there was more of us.  With the advances in technology and communication, we have the advantage over each and every civilization that has come before us.  Never before has history provided better opportunities for all of us to band together and take a stand, united as one, to create positive change.  We have the power.  All we have to do is accept it, or this world will self destruct in 3... 2... 1...

-The current estimation of the world's population is just over 7 Billion.

-The Central China Floods (1931) claimed over 4 Million lives.

-The Bhola Cyclone (1970) claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, and is considered to be the worst tropical storm ever recorded.

-The Haiti Earthquake (2010) claimed over 250,000 lives, left the same amount injured, and left over a million homeless.

-The Indian Ocean Tsunami (2004) slammed into 15 countries in the region, with waves over 30 meters high, it is estimated to have claimed close to 300,000 lives.

-The Japan Earthquake (2011) caused a massive amount of damage, in several countries, including nuclear radiation leaks which effects are still being studied and determined.

-Hurricane Katrina (2005) was one of the worst disasters to ever hit the U.S.  It caused an economy loss of over 80 Billion Dollars and is considered to be the most expensive disaster in the world.

-The "Dust Bowl" (1930-1940) was one of the worst man made disasters in the history of the U.S.  Depleted farmland and drought created a dust storm, reaching 10,000 feet in the air, called the "Black Blizzards."  It displaced over 2.5 Million people.

-Chernobyl (1986) is considered to be one of the worst nuclear meltdowns in history, causing thousands of deaths from cancer.

-The Exxon/Valdez spill of 11 Million gallons of oil is far from the record- The Gulf War spill takes the record of 160 Million gallons of oil in 1991.

-To date, the worst man made disaster to claim more lives than any other disaster known to man, is war.

     All over the world, lakes are drying up and becoming desserts, glaciers are melting, species are dying, greenhouse gas levels are rising and the statistics more than show us that since 1963 (the first global change conference), we have actually made things much, much worse.  The scientists that have been raising and waving the red flags, estimated there will be no life even possible here on earth in just 200 years, yet we cut down 51 acres of tropical forest, consume 35,000 barrels of oil and add 12,000 tons of carbon dioxide to the earth's atmosphere EVERY MINUTE.  EVERY HOUR, 25,000 people die from water contamination and shortage, 10 tons of nuclear waste are produced and 5 species of life become extinct. These statistics don't even break the surface of the ice and should not be considered a hint at anything.  They represent a call to action or this world will self destruct in 3... 2... 1...


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sandy Hook, Line and Sinker...

     What is truth?  The dictionary defines it as sincerity in action, character and utterance... How do we, as people, separate fact and fiction with limited information?  How can we spread truth, when we don't have the whole truth?  How do we justify our reactions, to situations we are presented with, armed with only part of a story?  It is difficult to take a stand, when you don't fully understand what it is you are standing for.  The only recourse, is to lay in wait for new developments, yet your emotion fuels the fire to take action.  Others turn their heads, allowing fear or selfish motives to govern their defense mechanisms.  They are not seeking answers.  They are not concerned.  They are willfully unaware of the world around them.

     They choose not face that which happens, in an effort to not be disturbed or to be affected.  As long as they are not forced to take action, they will continue on their own course of action.  Some lack the will to make clear decisions.  Seeds of self doubt plague their souls.  They desire to take part, yet they can not find the courage to do so.  They feel it is safer to not act, rather than take a chance.  Still others, jump in head first, reacting before thinking, not contemplating the outcome of their decisions.  They are fearless, bold and courageous in their efforts.  They possess the confidence that only requires a spark to ignite.  They live, attentive and ready to act, waiting for the moment to spring....

     Most of us, are somewhere in the middle of the extremes, choosing to react when we feel the need.  We are not afraid to react, yet choose to live with caution as our guides.  People in this category are not looking for the fight, but will engage in a fight, if the fight comes to them.  They are aware of the world around them, but pick and choose which battles they will ensue.  They take calculated risks and consider the outcomes of their decisions.  Depending on the situation, we can all exhibit these traits at one time or another.  There are times when we are quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry, yet there also times when we do quit the opposite, or assume the posture of a deer in the headlights.  Most are aware, that there are consequences to our decisions, even when we choose to do nothing at all, for nothing is something after all.  We have all experienced cause and effect for sure, whether we wanted to or not.  This is a universal truth, and it applies to us all.  For every effect, there was a cause...

     For the most part, we all seek the same things and consider them our basic rights- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  We often take our freedoms for granted, but are not ignorant of how we got them. The memories of those that came before us, are embedded in our hearts and minds, and history reminds us of the sacrifices made to form the foundation of today.  We enjoy these freedoms, at the expense of other people's lives.  We are moved when we hear their stories and we honor their lives in song and dance.  We proudly wave our flags and celebrate moments of our histories, reflect on our past, all the while looking to our futures.  We pledge allegiance, holding our hands to our hearts, and support those that continue to defend and protect our way of life.  Freedom is something we can all come together and agree on, wholeheartedly, without conflict...

     However, there are other things, which when we allow, can divide us.  These are the issues, which surround, define and threaten our lives, liberties and disrupt our pursuit of happiness.  We are a diverse species, with different goals, perspectives, wants, needs, desires, faiths, religions, likes, dislikes, opinions, ways of living, ways of educating, ways of raising our children etc..  Our cultures are different.  Our languages and how we communicate are different.  We pursue different dreams, different ways to spend our time, possess different personalities and different ways of thinking.  We act and treat people differently, handle our experiences in different ways, are on different paths and journeys and have drastically different ways of interpreting our lives and the lives of others.  All in all, we are quite the motley crew, and there is no denying it.  We are all unique individuals living in the same world.

     At times, there are moments that can bring us together, such as tragedy.  Events such as 9/11 and the recent shooting at Sandy Hook, should in theory, unite everyone on a fundamental basis.  The loss of people's lives is an emotional experience for everyone, and it multiplies when children or close ones are involved.  Upon first hearing of a mass school shooting, most people experience a hit right to their heart.  It moves them in one way or another, and it instantly makes national headlines.  People become glued to their tv's, computers and personal hand held devices and begin spreading the tragic news everywhere. News of this magnitude spreads fast and immediately becomes the topic of discussion.  It especially affects those with children, causing concern and extreme emotional responses with parents.  Needless to say, everyone is affected to one degree or another, and subsequently, a heightened sense of awareness spreads through people.  For a moment, everyone is temporarily on the same page, eager to give their attention, focus on the needs of everyone involved and offer support in one way or another.

     The death of innocent children really hits home.  It strikes to the core of one's being and hurts our very souls.   After the initial shock of such a horrible act, several things start to happen.  The best and worst of people start to show.  There is a push for swift action, and people are eager for justice.  Constant updates are expected and everyone is talking.  Emotions run high as a search for the truth begins.  People want to know what's being done and demand up to date information and responses to that new information.  The world is in a fury.  Sorrow and sadness quickly turn to anger and rage.  The madness begins and we are off, ready for resolve.....

     As a first responder, certified at both a local and national level, I have to say, what you see in the media and what happens in real time, is dramatically different.  Even though we practice exercises with multiple agencies on a regular basis, when an event of this magnitude happens, mistakes take place and people drop the ball.  I have been involved with an incident gaining worldwide attention dealing with the death of a child, and to date, the incident is still being analyzed.  Information is always withheld from the public, in the name of justice for good reason.  Over time, more information will be released to fill in the blanks.  Patience from the public is needed in order to bring justice to the table.  It takes time and devotion from many many people for a case of this scale to come to full light.  I can see this in relation to this recent tragedy.  However, this is not your typical case.

     The more people scrutinize, the more lost we all become.  Facts don't seem to be facts at all.  Information contradicts itself.  The more research we do, the more doubt we acquire.  Anyone keeping up with this would have to agree.  Too many questions have been and remain unanswered.  Upon reviewing footage, all sorts of interesting theories evolve.  Suddenly people start to question the events surrounding this tragedy and are looking for answers.  An already intense situation reaches critical mass.  Nothing is making sense and people are starting to see that.   There's a fly in the ointment they say.  The facts just don't add up and no one knows what to believe.  In situations like this, people become outraged.  They don't know how to feel or what to do with those feelings.  Now we see our differences come out.  Instead of being united through tragedy, we are separating and drawing lines in the sand while in the midst of it.

     One group says it's an attack on the 2nd Amendment and other's are horrified the subject even came up.  Some still haven't got over the initial shock, and others are full speed on the attack. Videos and commentary flood the internet and even the major networks are reporting on the controversy, fueling people's emotions.  The truth seeking movement is saying conspiracy.  There's not just a fly in the ointment, there's microorganisms on the backs of the mosquitos in the hand sanitizer!  Everyday citizens are contemplating their ideas, theories, and notions, but are hesitant to make hasty decisions.  Surely no one would plan or play with people's hearts and emotions like this they want to believe.  It just can't be true.  We need to focus on the safety of the one's alive and implement better controls and regulations.  This simply should not be happening.  Perhaps there's more to the story... And I can assure you there is.  There's a whole lot more that we most probably will never know.

     This is an extremely sensitive situation requiring extreme measures.  No one wants to offend anyone who's child was shot or dishonor their death without undeniably proof.  A child's death should never be played on or played with.  It's a shame we have even got to this place.  So again I ask you... How do we discover the truth with limited information?  The real truth, is that it is unlikely that we ever will.  Sure, America won't let it die, and information will have to be released to appease the masses.  But that doesn't mean we got the big picture.  The big picture shows us that we are divided as a nation and all around the world.  It shows us that tragedy can be the catalyst for confusion and dissension.  It shows us that we can lose sight of what's really important in the midst of the smoke.  It shows us that we can make black and white issues appear out of grey.  It shows us what we as a human race, really are...

     The real truth in this tragedy, is that we can use tragedy to come together.  We can put our differences aside and focus on what matters. No matter what is behind this event, or events in the past, there has never been more of a time to stand together united.  The shooting of innocent children is unacceptable, both here in the United States and all over the world.  Individuals, groups, organizations, nations, militia, governments or anything else that plans or uses the death of children should in no way, shape, fashion or form  be tolerated.  If we stand together as not only a community, not only as a nation, but together as a unified race, there is no person, no group, no organization, no nation, no government that can overcome us.  Our agenda should be one and the same- To fight for, preserve and protect everyone's right for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  If we are divided, we will be conquered.  There has never been a more important time for us to realize this.  Our world has reached critical mass.  The time has come for us to face all the tragedies that befall us.  This is an Age of Accountability.

     We as humans have the power of choice.  We can choose to change the future as we are the one's writing history.  We can choose to make the future a more positive place.  We can choose to stand up to the injustices that plaque our world, and fight for what we both know and feel is right.  We will make mistakes.  We will make poor decisions.  We will always have to deal with our faults and the faults of others.  But that in no way should hinder us from progressing to a common goal- A better world, forged by people that chose a better way.  We cannot control all the events, situations or circumstances in our lives, but we can control how we react to them.  The mass murder of innocent children is a tragedy... to plan or use the mass murder of children or even the idea of mass murder of children as the catalyst for an agenda, is a tragedy as well.  Either way, it should unite us rather than divide us.  We need to resist the temptation to   swallow the bait, Sandy Hook, line and sinker, or imminent death will bestow us all......

*A nation divided against itself, cannot stand. -Abraham Lincoln

*And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.- Matthew 25:12

*The supreme art of war, is to subdue the enemy without a fight. Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness...  Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness.  Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate...  All men can see these tactic's whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.  For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting, is the acme of skill... All war is deception... The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. -Sun Tzu

*When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies, by conquest or by treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.- Plato

*Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results... Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex.  It takes a genius, and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction...The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who won't do anything about it... Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to never stop questioning.- Albert Einstein

*The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it... It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see that matters... Things do not change, we change... If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.  As he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness... A truly good book teaches better than to read it.  One must soon lay it down and begin living on it's hint.  What one began by reading, one must finish by acting.- Henry David Thoreau

*Common sense

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Revolience Economics 101

     Economics is widely thought to be a very complex subject to most people.  Words and concepts such as "Derivatives" "GDP Debt Ratios" "Centralized Banking" "Quantitative Easing" "Debt Bubbles" "Fractional Reserve Banking" "Hyper-Inflation" "Petro-Dollars" etc., can be very intimidating and difficult for the average person to grasp and understand how it relates to their lives.  In general, most people are more comfortable with words and concepts such as "Money" "Currency" "Treasury Bonds" "Banking " "Taxes" "Inflation" "Stocks" "Credit" etc., but probably don't understand the big picture.  In order to have a better understanding of these terms and concepts, one has to review history and how we got to modernized banking and the current state of world economics.

     Before there were banks, bartering was a common tool used by people to acquire the things they needed or wanted.  Goods and services were exchanged for other goods and services.  Eventually, a need to "standardize" became a prevalent idea, and "commodity" based trade came in the picture.  One could trade goods for essentials such as grain and rice etc..  We can find examples of all of these forms of trade in many cultures from Biblical times, Egyptian history, the Greeks etc. As time progressed, the notion that gold and other items were valuable came into play, and thus began "commerce."  A price for gold and other precious metals was set, and it made it easier to trade, as there was now a standard.

     This gave birth to modern banking.  People needed a place to store their coins, and "banks" offered a safe place to keep them.  A small fee was incurred for the service of protecting the coins, and a piece of paper was issued stating how much "currency" one had stored there.  This is the birth of paper money.  People deposited their coins and were given a "note" stating how much was stored, with a value attached to it.  However, merchants began to increase the "cost" of their goods and services, and this led way to "inflation."  Banks were issuing more notes than they had gold to back it, and merchants continued to raise prices to offset the effect of it.  Over a long enough timeline, the value of the notes becomes worthless and a "collapse" of the economy based on these notes would take place.  The collapse was sped up when people realized their notes weren't as valuable as their coins, and they would rush to the bank to pull out their currency. The bank would go bust in the process.

     We can observe this all through history.  There are many examples, from the collapse of the great Roman Empire to the fall of the Weimar Republic of Germany.  In fact, this is happening right now in the United States of America.  Let's see how history repeats itself.  On December 23, 1913, Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve act into law.  This established the first centralized banking system in the country.  The Federal Reserve Banks are privately owned and only banks that are members of the system hold stock.  Directors of the Federal Reserve are chosen by stockholders.  It's interesting to note that at the time, the U.S. Dollar was backed by gold.  The government was limited to how much money it could spend, as our currency was backed by gold... Or was it really?

     The Vietnam War brought doubt from several nations, who as a result, tried to get their gold back from the U.S..  They suspected that the U.S. was printing more money than it had gold to back it up.  France was the nation that tried first, but Nixon put an end to that.  On national television, under executive order, he froze the transfer of the gold and the birth of "fiat" currency in America began.  America abandoned the gold standard for a new system.  One would say, "Well that doesn't make sense.  Where does the money come from then?"  It comes from debt, and starts with the Federal Reserve.

     Here's how it works-  The government creates "Bonds" which represent our debt.  The Federal Reserve holds the bonds in exchange for money, or "Federal Reserve Notes."  Obviously, there is a fee, in the form of interest, attached to the loan.  The FED prints the money and it becomes distributed in the economy.  One should also be aware that other countries such as Japan and China, and people in the private sector purchase our debt in the form of "Treasury Bonds."  Of course, the U.S. has to repay these loans, with interest, and still have enough to pay it's overhead.  Enter taxes.  The population provides the money to pay back on part of the interest, but not enough to lower the principle.  I should add, there are attempts to control this debt, but as soon as the "Debt Ceiling" is reached, several things start to happen-  More taxes are incurred, to generate more income, budget cuts are incurred, to lower expenses, or the ceiling is raised, allowing the government to borrow more money.

     Another way money is generated, is through "Fractional Reserve Banking."  For example, you take $100 to the bank.  The $100 doesn't stay at the bank though, only a fraction of it does.  The bank turns around and loans the money out with fees and interest added, using your initial $100 deposit.  The bank makes money with your money.  In other words, money is generated out of thin air, fueled by debt.  More debt is created, than the amount of money created.  And we haven't even started on the stock market or credit cards and how money is created there either. I think by now, you're getting the picture.

     The system is a perpetual debt machine, but anyone who knows anything about perpetual motion, knows it can't exist without a constant energy source.  With work comes the transfer of energy, and subsequently a loss of energy, according to the Laws of Thermodynamics.  As long as we fuel the fires of debt, the perpetual debt motion machine will continue to work.  However, what happens when inflation kicks in and everybody runs to the bank?  Will printing more and more paper money be the solution in the form of "Quantitative Easing" from the Federal Reserve?  We already know that this has never, not even once, worked in history.

     Over a long enough timeline, the value of the paper currency will eventually reach zero and the economy of that paper money will collapse.  It doesn't matter how many taxes or budget cuts there are.  Inflation kills the value of the paper money as more and more money is printed and it becomes worth less and less and "Hyper-Inflation" takes hold.  See any connections with the history of money and banking now?  People have fought this machine for centuries.  Remember Jesus in the Bible (Matthew 21:12)?  Our forefathers left Britain to get away from the control of centralized banking.  After the signing of the Declaration, the U.S. Constitution was written to try to protect future generations from this.  Thomas Jefferson said that if he could make one amendment to the Constitution, it would be to prevent the government from borrowing money.  True story. Remember Kennedy?  He stood up to the Federal Reserve, but after his death, his actions were reversed....

     Now that you have a highly simplified understanding of the history of money and banking, you can begin your journey to understand more complex economic terms and concepts.  I would encourage you to research the terms used throughout this article in an effort to gain a better understanding of the current state of affairs, both in the U.S. and globally as well.   I leave you with the following data to observe, and hope that you will seek out additional information which will help all of us make better decisions to prepare for our future, which we can make more positive.  That's right!  We can make our future more positive!  Change begins with us, first through education, and then taking action in our own lives to set the example for others to follow.  Here's the data, you provide the decisions for a better future!

-The current U.S. Debt is past the 16 Trillion $ mark and is exponentially climbing.

-On average, the U.S. debt has risen 9% each year for the last ten years.

-Since 2009, the U.S. has accumulated more debt than it did under the first 42 Presidents.

-According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 146 Million Americans are considered "low income."

-The # of Americans on food stamps is reaching 50 Million.

-Utility bills (such as electricity) have risen faster than the rate of inflation 5 years in a row.

-According to U.S. today, in some parts of the country, water bills have tripled over the last 12 years.

-The U.S. Congress to date, has never passed a law authorizing an audit of the Federal Reserve.

-At this point, one out of every four working class Americans have a job that pays less than $10/hr.

-Today, the wealthiest 1% of American's net worth, is greater than the combined net worth of the bottom 90%.

-According to Forbes, the top 400 wealthy Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 Million Americans have combined.

-Today 40% of Americans have less than $500 in savings.

-The U.S. government hands out money to 128 Million Americans each month.

-In 11 separate U.S. states, the # of U.S. government dependents exceeds the # of private sector workers.

-Entitlements accounted for 62% of all government spending in the fiscal year of 2012.

-Here's the price increase of some of the essentials we buy, since 2002:
*Gasoline 158%
*Bread 39%
*Eggs 73%
*Milk 26%
*Ground Beef 61%
*Pasta 44%
*Coffee 90%
*Margarine 143%
*Electricity 42%

-The U.S. debt to GDP ratio has risen from 67% to 103% since 2007. Let's examine some other countries debt to GDP ratio since 2007-
*France increased from 64% to 81%
*Spain increased from 40% to 69%
*Ireland increased from 25% to 106%
*Portugal increased from 64% to 108%
*Italy increased from 107% to 121%
*Greece increased from 106% to 171%
*Japan increased from 172% to 211% (it should be noted that 95% of Japan's bonds are owned domestically)

Glyn Davies-"History of Money"

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Every penny we spend changes the world

     What drives you as a consumer?  Is it the price?  Perhaps it's convenience.  Maybe, at times, you put effort into going "green," or supporting people's jobs or trade in your own country.  Do you live for sales, coupons, reward programs and promotions, or could you care less?  Do you purchase more wants than needs, or have you ever even thought about it?  How much does mass media advertising influence your spending habits?  Is pride at the core of your purchases, or does it not affect it all?  Do you shop the same places your friends and family frequent, or do you seek different avenues just to be different?  Could it be atmosphere that attracts you, or is customer service your top priority?  Some of us make lists and some of us are impulse buyers, so what category do you fall in?  How much of your income goes to holidays, birthdays, entertainment, special events etc?  What about donations and tax write-offs to charities and various other organizations?

     Have you ever considered the butterfly effect of the who, what, when, where, why and how of the power you possess as a consumer/spender?  Every penny that's spent, changes the world in some way, shape, fashion or form in all areas, on all levels, even if we aren't aware or cognizant of it at the time it was spent.  We affect the course, condition, and state of the environment, our governments, our economies, our societies, and much much more, not only at a local level, but beyond the globe as well.  Perhaps you've never thought about it in great detail or analyzed the "effects" of your "cause."  I would encourage all of us to take a look within and see how our change, changes the world.  We can make positive choices which will literally affect the entire world at an epic level, every single day.  For example, it could be that you are against war, or slavery, or government control and corruption, or harming the environment, or whatever else that we could fit in the list, but......... are you financing those wars, promoting slavery, contributing to government control and corruption, encouraging the destruction of the planet, etc,etc,etc???

     I believe we are all guilty at some point or another of not being above reproach.  The good news is we can learn from our mistakes and choose to make better choices which quite literally, change the world we live in.  After observing the following data, take a moment to reflect on your own life.  Consider how your actions affect not only you, but people all over the planet and the world we live in.  Decide how you can begin making positive changes in your choices as you read the data.  Don't stop your research with this list either.  Challenge the information.  Challenge other people. Challenge yourself.  Apply these questions to your entire spending budget and to every company and every person you buy from.  This data only represents 1 company in the world.  Last but not least, take ACTION somewhat, somewhere and somehow.  REVOLIENCE leaves the choices to you!

We'll start at the top of the Fortune 500, the largest retailer on the planet-Walmart.

-As of 7/31/2012, the amount of money spent at Walmart, every hour of every day is $36,000,000.

-At the end of their last quarter (October 31, 2012), their income statement listed their revenue at $464.48B
     (their fiscal year ends January 31,2013)

-In 2010, Walmart's revenues were greater than the combined revenues of America's largest oil,
     manufacture and pharmaceutical companies:
           Exxon Mobile $354.6 Billion
           Chevron $196.3 Billion
           General Electric $151.6 Billion
           Pfizer $67.8 Billion

-If revenues were Walmart's national GDP, it would be the 25th largest economy in the world

-If Walmart were a country, it would be the 19th largest economy in the world

-Walmart's sales are 5x that of Costco (America's 2nd largest retailer) and 10x that of Amazon (America's
           largest online retailer)

-Walmart is also the largest grocer in the U.S. selling $129 Billion, which is 1.5x the sales of Kroger
           (In 2009 Walmart generated 51% of it's U.S. sales in groceries alone)

-96% of America lives within 20 miles of Walmart
           60% of America lives within 5 miles of Walmart
           90% of America lives within 15 minutes of a Walmart

-100 Million customers shop at Walmart every week, spending $36,000,000 every hour of every day

-Walmart's profit every minute is $34,880

-Walmart employees 1,400,000 people w/ $11.75/hr as the avg. wage (the national avg. is $12.04)

-Walmart's CEO's salary is $19,200,000 (924x his avg. employee)

-In 2000, Walmart was sued 4,851 times (once every 2 hrs.) with cases related to unfair wages and hours,
           racial profiling, sexual discrimination and environmental disputes

-In 2008, Walmart spent $640 Million resolving unfair wage cases in 42 states

-Since 2000, Walmart has been battling 1.6 Million employees in the largest sexual discrimination lawsuit
           ever, with a potential cost of $11 Billion

-80% of Walmart's suppliers are in China

-Walmart imports $30 Billion in merchandise from China per year (10% of the total for the entire U.S.)

-Factory workers work 12-14 hrs./day for .23cents/hr. after dorm and utility expenses are deducted
           ( the factory workers have the choice of not living in the dorms, but still have to pay for the dorm
           but not the utilities if they choose not to live there)

-Walmart campaigned for "Buy American" with banners all over the stores and commercials in the media

-In 1962, there was 1 Walmart
           In 1987 there was 1198 Walmarts
           In 1996 there was 2943 Walmarts
           In 2005 there was 5289 Walmarts
           In 2011 there was 8970 Walmarts

-In 2010, Walmart's carbon footprint totaled 21.4 million metric tons (more than half of world's countries)
           according to the data they provided to the Carbon Disclosure Project

-The Walton net worth is reported to be just under $85 Billion and gives 2% of net worth
           Bill Gates' net worth is reported to be just over $50 Billion and gives 48% of net worth
           Warren Buffett's net worth is reported to be just under $50 Billion and gives 78% of net worth

-Walmart has four stores built over burial grounds
           1998 Charlotte Pike, TN
           2001 Fenton, MO
           2004 Honolulu, HI
           2007 Anderson CA

Sources- (data provided by Capital IQ)

Friday, January 18, 2013

A few words about REVOLIENCE...

     Welcome to the REVOLIENCE blog! "...changing the world with the pursuit of truth..."  It is my firm belief that with a positive mindset, we can quite literally change the world.  REVOLIENCE is the combination of revolution and science.  Revolution in the context that there needs to be a fundamental change in the way we think, and science in the context of discovering truth through observation of information, and ultimately creating positive results with our new found knowledge by taking action.  This blog is designed and intended to promote logic based reasoning and critical thinking with an open mind and an objective look at facts and information.

     I am not trying to promote agenda based thinking or propaganda.  Instead, this a journey of self discovery to encourage change in ourselves first, so we can influence others with our example along the way.  It is time for us to put aside our differences and come together in a spirit of unity.  We must focus on the issues at hand and begin our quest to improve our world.  We can not expect change to occur unless we make changes in our own lives first.  This country, this world, our society needs leaders.  People willing to set the example.  It is not enough to just think about making this happen.  We have to make it happen.  The time to act is now.

     Those that choose to ignore history are doomed to repeat it.  History provides a contrast for us, which allows us to observe, think, plan and make positive adjustments for a better future.  This is the best time in human history to be alive.  That's right.  The best time in history to be alive.  We have access to more information than anyone before us, at the touch of a button, and we should not take it for granted.  We should be grateful for it and take advantage of it.  This is an incredible opportunity and an amazing tool.  It would be foolish to become complacent and continue in our own selfish pursuits.  I believe we were all created equally.  I believe each and every person is flawed.  That we all have faults and idiosyncracies. That we have all been wronged, and that we have all wronged others.

     As we review information together, I would ask that you remember that.  I would also caution against "scene lock."  Don't get caught up in one way of thinking.  As you observe the information, look at it from different angles.  Consider all the possibilities.  Challenge the information and the message, but most of all, challenge yourself. Ask yourself not only how this affects you, but how it affects others and our environment as well.  Ask yourself what people's motives are and who benefits in the process.  However, the single most important factor, is your mindset before we begin.  If you expect negative results, you will discover more negativity.  Our emotions and our thoughts are the tools we have to operate in this world.  Don't forget the spiritual aspect as well.  What REVOLIENCE is doing, requires a positive mental attitude with a holistic approach at reviewing facts and information, looking within and taking action after observation.  Use your emotion as fuel for your fire.  A fire that will draw people to you, not away from you.  Your attitude and actions will inspire change in others and over time, set the stage for positive changes in our world.

     Take some time to center yourself and the next time you log in, we'll begin our journey together.  We'll examine topics like global warming, the Sandy Hook shooting, conspiracy theories, the global economy and much much more.  REVOLIENCE will provide the data, and you will make the choices.  Choices that will lead to a better and more positive future.  Choices that will change your life and others as well.  Choices that will improve society, our government and the state of our economy.  Choices which will not only affect you, but the world itself and all those that come into a better world because we choose to make it that way.

    If this interests you, join in with your thoughts.  Make your suggestions.  Give me some feedback.  This is where it all starts.  Right here, right now with us. We can make a difference.  Let's do it together and lay the foundation to change the course of history.  The choice is up to you..... When you return, we'll go straight to the top of the Fortune 500 and review stats and information from the largest retailer in the world... REVOLIENCE will provide the data, and you will make the difference.  Congratulations!  You're on the path to a better life with more positive people, more positive  events, more positive circumstances and more positive outcomes.  Together, we're gonna change the world!