Welcome to the REVOLIENCE blog! "...changing the world with the pursuit of truth..." It is my firm belief that with a positive mindset, we can quite literally change the world. REVOLIENCE is the combination of revolution and science. Revolution in the context that there needs to be a fundamental change in the way we think, and science in the context of discovering truth through observation of information, and ultimately creating positive results with our new found knowledge by taking action. This blog is designed and intended to promote logic based reasoning and critical thinking with an open mind and an objective look at facts and information.
I am not trying to promote agenda based thinking or propaganda. Instead, this a journey of self discovery to encourage change in ourselves first, so we can influence others with our example along the way. It is time for us to put aside our differences and come together in a spirit of unity. We must focus on the issues at hand and begin our quest to improve our world. We can not expect change to occur unless we make changes in our own lives first. This country, this world, our society needs leaders. People willing to set the example. It is not enough to just think about making this happen. We have to make it happen. The time to act is now.
Those that choose to ignore history are doomed to repeat it. History provides a contrast for us, which allows us to observe, think, plan and make positive adjustments for a better future. This is the best time in human history to be alive. That's right. The best time in history to be alive. We have access to more information than anyone before us, at the touch of a button, and we should not take it for granted. We should be grateful for it and take advantage of it. This is an incredible opportunity and an amazing tool. It would be foolish to become complacent and continue in our own selfish pursuits. I believe we were all created equally. I believe each and every person is flawed. That we all have faults and idiosyncracies. That we have all been wronged, and that we have all wronged others.
As we review information together, I would ask that you remember that. I would also caution against "scene lock." Don't get caught up in one way of thinking. As you observe the information, look at it from different angles. Consider all the possibilities. Challenge the information and the message, but most of all, challenge yourself. Ask yourself not only how this affects you, but how it affects others and our environment as well. Ask yourself what people's motives are and who benefits in the process. However, the single most important factor, is your mindset before we begin. If you expect negative results, you will discover more negativity. Our emotions and our thoughts are the tools we have to operate in this world. Don't forget the spiritual aspect as well. What REVOLIENCE is doing, requires a positive mental attitude with a holistic approach at reviewing facts and information, looking within and taking action after observation. Use your emotion as fuel for your fire. A fire that will draw people to you, not away from you. Your attitude and actions will inspire change in others and over time, set the stage for positive changes in our world.
Take some time to center yourself and the next time you log in, we'll begin our journey together. We'll examine topics like global warming, the Sandy Hook shooting, conspiracy theories, the global economy and much much more. REVOLIENCE will provide the data, and you will make the choices. Choices that will lead to a better and more positive future. Choices that will change your life and others as well. Choices that will improve society, our government and the state of our economy. Choices which will not only affect you, but the world itself and all those that come into a better world because we choose to make it that way.
If this interests you, join in with your thoughts. Make your suggestions. Give me some feedback. This is where it all starts. Right here, right now with us. We can make a difference. Let's do it together and lay the foundation to change the course of history. The choice is up to you..... When you return, we'll go straight to the top of the Fortune 500 and review stats and information from the largest retailer in the world... REVOLIENCE will provide the data, and you will make the difference. Congratulations! You're on the path to a better life with more positive people, more positive events, more positive circumstances and more positive outcomes. Together, we're gonna change the world!