Wednesday, March 27, 2013
One doesn't have to be a "conspiracy theorist" to see there is more than meets the eye in today's world. After "waking up" it's easy to follow the money trail and the countless associations between politics and big business. It's getting to the point where it's obvious. No longer do the elite few even try to go to elaborate lengths to deceive or manipulate the masses. They don't have to...
Look at the world around you. It is a product of human nature. People's choices have constructed a modern non-fiction novel without the vivid imaginations of George Orwell or Ray Bradbury. Their warnings have been ignored. They dreamed of it and wrote about it- we're living it. The gears of the machine have been turning, slowly but steadily, and it's pace has been quickened by our apathy and indifference. For we have become products of our time- consumers consumed with ourselves.
Like Bob Dylan wrote, the times, they are a changin'. Seemingly overnight, without our conscious consent, our worst fears have unlocked the closet door. They don't have to say anything, our minds produce a terror unmatched to any script. The man in the mirror only reflects our perception anyway. Our cries in the night go unnoticed. We can only save ourselves. The call to action is our only resolve. Our survival depends on the stroke of our pens, pencils and keys- for we are the authors of this story, and we've got a deadline...
Change is our agenda, let's look at theirs- the agenda for the 21st century: AGENDA 21. So what is "Agenda 21?" It started at the Earth Summit UN conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. Since it's inception, it has been modified at subsequent conferences and implemented at an international, national, regional and local level. One hundred and seventy eight countries adopted the program, and there's only one hundred and ninety six countries in the world total. I believe with those numbers, if you are reading this, you are most definitely affected.
So what is it? Well, by definition, Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations, in a 300 page document, divided into 40 chapters, with 4 sections, all devoted to "sustainable developement." Section 1 is directed at combating poverty, changing consumption patterns, promoting health, achieving a more sustainable population and sustainable settlement in decision making. Section 2 includes atmospheric protection, combating deforestation, protecting fragile environments, conservation of biodiversity, control of pollution and management of biotechnology and radioactive wastes. Section 3 discusses the roles of our youth, women, NGO's local authorities, business, workers and strengthening the role of indigenous peoples, their communities and farmers. Section 4 is the implementation of science, technology transfer, education and financial mechanisms...
At first glance, this might seem like a good thing. I think we would all have to agree these are issues that need addressing. Of course, we've all heard you can't judge a book by it's cover and that wolves come in sheep's clothing. The Agenda for the 21st century has become quite the controversy over the last two decades. In our pursuit of truth, perhaps we should look at the "results" of such an endeavor, rather than just the table of contents.
Have you ever considered that perhaps the UN bypasses our nation's laws? That perhaps Congress isn't involved for a reason? Could it be that the voice of the people has no affect there? Let's review the UN's stance on land for example... "Land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole."
Hmmm... So this is starting to sound a little bit different than at the beginning. Many are arguing that this is just a well contrived plan to implement worldwide socialism. Mind you, entire books, publications, blogs, shows and other means are dedicated to this. This is just a scratch on the surface. If you haven't researched Agenda 21- you definitely should. Learning that there's a global plan to take away privately owned land is just the beginning. The International Council of Local Environmental Issues (ICLEI) is a powerhouse funding this project and it might serve you well to go to their website and see if your community is one of the 600 cities, towns and counties that's part of their network in America.
The trail of money isn't limited to ICLEI either. We've talked about the Rockerfellers before, and we KNOW what their intentions are- remember Memoirs? They don't hide the fact that they have a plan for a New World Order, and they could care less what any person or government thinks or says about it. It might be a good idea (hint, hint) to start researching GMO's (genetically modified organisms), vaccines and chemtrails.
While you're jaw's dropping, go ahead and research the Ludlow Massacre and the Endangered Species Act. You should not stop there. Perhaps you should look into Monsanto, Dow AgroSciences, Bayer CropScience and Cargill- start with the money trail and look at your dinner plate. You might just start looking into foraging for wild, edible plants afterwards. If that doesn't sell you, check out our national healthcare statistics in relation to causes of death and diseases over the last few decades.
It might interest you to find out there's a global plan specifically targeting the U.S. to control the population numbers with the very things they depend on everyday to sustain themselves- like food, water and air. Did you know GMO's are illegal everywhere EXCEPT THE U.S? Have you checked out the latest water reports to see a list of over 60,000 chemicals, whose properties haven't been tested for safety, which are polluting it? Did you know air is the most important basic need in a survival situation? Just three minutes without it- game over. Ever wondered about those jet stream lines in the sky? Better stop lookin down and start lookin up.
Remember that these people are also responsible for the Federal Reserve and energy supplied through our dependency on oil. Petroleum products dominate our lives, and not just in our vehicles and houses- it's in more than you could imagine. Guess who owns Standard Oil? Guess who started and funds the International Service for the Acquisition Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA)? Guess who established marijuana as a Schedule 1 Narcotic in 1973 known as part of the "Rockefeller Drug Laws?"
Could it be that hemp is a low maintenance plant, needing no pesticides or herbicides? Could it be that hemp produces oil, paper products, biodegradeable plastics, medicine, textiles, ropes, clothes, medicines and even be a "super food?" I didn't even mention it's effect on the the quality of the environment and our air. Perhaps this crop "threatened" a few industries owned by the Rockefellers? I once again return to page 405 of David Rockefeller's "Memoirs." I've said it before, none of this is a conspiracy against the horse, when it comes from the horses mouth himself... Read it.
Speaking of the horses mouth, read this speech from Bill Gates. "The current population of the world is 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that number by perhaps 10 or 15%...."(Perhaps you should read that out loud one more time) If you would like to hear it, I encourage you to look it up on YouTube. Ted Turner has also been quoted as saying, "A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present level would be ideal." Need I remind you where these men stand in terms of wealth, land ownership and the types of businesses they own? Follow the money trail down the rabbit hole and watch your head.
Here's some other quotes that might interest you:
-In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 a day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad as not saying it. -Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO courier
-Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the U.S. economy will require large amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries. The world population needs to be decreased by 50%. The elderly are useless eaters. -Henry Kissinger
-Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about? -Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme
-The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various countries' shares within their regional limits. Control of population size might remain the responsibility of each government, but the Regime would have some power to enforce the agreed limits. -John P. Holdren, Obama's Ecoscience Czar
-We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right crisis and the nations will receive the New World Order. -David Rockefeller
-A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 Billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2-3 Billion would be possible. -UN Biodiversity Assessment
-The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. THIS MUST BE DONE BY WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY. -Initiative of the United Nations, ECO 92 Earth Charter
Did you know there is actually a U.N. treaty entitled "Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 December 1976?" I suppose you might not have known, we have the ability to actually control the weather and use it as a weapon. You might be saying that's impossible, yet why is there a treaty prohibiting it? Imagine if we had close to 200 antennas capable of broadcasting a frequency pulse of BILLIONS of watts to heat the upper atmosphere? What if we had satellites capable of producing enough microwaves to... oh wait a minute... we do.
Surely our government, or any other government, would never think of testing such a thing... You might want to research U.S. Patent #4,686,605 entitled "Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere by Bernard J. Eastlund. Then you might want to research HAARP and the RF signals recorded during Katrina and Rita. The information might just get you wondering. Surely they wouldn't use this technology as a weapon like they did with nuclear energy? Right?? I mean we have a treaty!!!
It's no secret, there's a lot going on behind the scenes. Obviously, history reminds us with events like say, The Manhattan Project, that we are not always in the "know." That's easy to accept. It's not hard to deduce, not assume, that the government and big business are "holding hands." Remember when the housing bubble burst? The government was promoting home ownership with tax credits, subsidies and suppressed interest rates. The subsequent market bubble burst and the economy crashed. Imagine the hands of government on a much larger scale, with much larger consequences. Even our short history, reminds us what happens when government control increases. Are you really comfortable with an entity this large, with this much power, in bed with these kinds of people, with such a horrible track record, with these kinds of plans, to make these kinds of decisions?
-Obesity is at an epidemic level in the U.S. More than 66 million adults are obese, which is more than the entire population of the U.K. The result is diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and a multitude of other health related issues. The economic loss forecast for non productivity, is estimated to be between $390 -$580 Billion according to the Robert Wood Foundation. In addition, healthcare costs are scheduled to increase $66 Billion per year by 2030.
-Diabetes accounts for 10% of our total health care, and has a projected annual cost of almost $500 Billion by 2020.
-Heart disease is the largest killer of both men and women in the U.S. according to the American Heart Association. Heart disease kills more Americans than all other forms of cancer combined.
-Life expectancy is the lowest among wealthy nations due to disease in the U.S. According to the National Institute of Health, in general, Americans have the lowest chance of surviving to age 50, when compared to all other wealthy nations. We also fared worse in nine other health related areas: infant mortality and low birth weight, injuries and homicides, teen pregnancy and STD's, HIV and AIDS, drug related deaths, obesity and diabetes, heart disease, chronic lung disease and disabillity.
Now with statistics like that, what can we logically deduce about the state of American's health? Common sense would dictate that American's are getting sicker, not healthier. Is the Agenda for the 21st century really helping our sustainability? We're just looking at statistics here. Are American's breathing better air? Are American's consuming better food and water? Are the advances in the medical field really benefiting us in the long run? Has technology really increased our levels of exercise or promoted laziness? Is taking away our land supposed to "benefit the whole?" Are increased restrictions really going to help? After two decades, just exactly what have been the benefits of these plans for "sustainable development?" If results are everything, perhaps there needs to be some changes.
Numbers don't lie, people do... Don't be dependent- be self reliant... We have the power of choice... We're giving away our freedoms and killing ourselves... We fund the very companies we're supposedly against... Can't blame them... We can only blame ourselves... Start researching and educating yourself... Make better decisions and choices... Start preparing... Get involved... Exercise and eat right... Grow your own food... The key to a healthy mind is through a healthy body... Don't just survive- thrive... SUSTAIN YOURSELF!!!
UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat 1), preamble to Agenda Item 10 of the report
David Rockefeller- "Memoirs"
Rosie Koire- Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21
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it is terrifying.. We stumble around complaining about poor cell phone reception and facebook not loading properly when all THIS is going down.... Priorities are in desperate need of overhaul...