The study of humans is divided into different categories. Anthropologists study the "science of humanity," sociologists scientifically study "human society" and it's origins, development, organizations and institutions, while psychologists scientifically study "mental functions and behaviors." These categories are further sub-divided and let's not forget the other "sciences" or "spiritual" categories either. A holistic approach would include mind, body and spirit and wouldn't limit itself in the process. For our purposes, we will keep it simple, as there is no way to have a comprehensive and complete study of ourselves here. People have devoted their entire lives to the various aspects of "humans" and it would be ludicrous to think we could summarize all of that in such a short piece. Our function is to examine our decision making process and what drives that process...
We like to think of ourselves as rationally minded creatures. We like to think we lean towards critical thinking and logic based reasoning. Objectively speaking, we know this isn't completely true. Emotion plays a big part in our decisions as well. Humans are emotional beings, and it highly affects our reactions and decisions. As we come into this world, some of our functions are innate, while some of our functions are learned. Our environment plays a big role. Our experiences play a big role. Our DNA plays a big role. All in all, there are many factors that play a role, some that we are aware of, some that we are not. Our spiritual "connection" in this world, and our understanding of the "supernatural" (forces and phenomenon beyond scientific understanding), are even less understood, yet also play a role as well. Just because we are not aware, does not mean we are not affected. So, all these factors influence the process, objectively speaking, so let's examine our thoughts at work- our actions...
When compared to other animals, we engage in more self-destructive behaviors. While some of our actions mirror other animal's actions, we are the masters of greed, deception, violence, cheating, lying and stealing, gambling, gossiping, bullying and a host of other bad habits and stressful behaviors. Science proves that most of our destructive behaviors are rewarded in our brains with our "feel good" chemicals (dopamine, seratonin, endorphines, endogenous opiates etc.) while some like gambling and stress, started that way, yet we continue even after the reward centers are exhausted. Rationality goes right out the window in our quest to gain possessions, wealth, resources, social dominance, status and power etc. Some scientists, rationalize that gossip, although considered destructive, actually boost our self-esteem by tightening our social circles. The act of telling a lie, actually takes more effort and energy than telling the truth. Scientists also suggest that aggressive behavior increases surviveability and reproduction, and also stimulates reward receptors in our brains.
We use all sorts of things to increase dopamine and seratonin- drugs, alcohol, sex, music, exercise, laughter, to name a few. We encourage both good and bad behaviors in our societies. Some talk the talk, while others walk the walk. We can be selfish at times, and giving at others. We can practice good morals, ethics and standards, form codes for our lives and practice good disciplines, and demonstrate quite the opposite as well. We can help each other, and we can hurt each other. We can be mean and we can be kind. We can love and we can hate. We can nurture and we can destroy. We can give life and we can take life... So what influences these decisions? We're motivated by lots of different forces: guilt, shame, fear, peer pressure, hate, love, gratitude, compassion, joy, the sun, the moon, the weather, temperature and the list can go on and on...
As we come into the world, we start a learning process. We become aware of our surroundings. We live different experiences. We remember the things that influence our lives and how people, places and things make us feel. We gain knowledge and understanding. We make mistakes, learn from those mistakes and often repeat the same mistakes. We make friends and lose friends. We can be the example and make examples. Our lives are a journey, not a destination. Our lives are constantly evolving and we are all at different points in those journeys. Our mind, bodies and spirits are always changing. The environment and things we cannot see or understand are always changing. Our strength as humans is that we can adapt. We adapt through our choices and will to live and survive. What really matters is our perspective in life and our mindset. Life is all about balance. We have the power of choice. Everyday we are presented with opportunities. What we do with those opportunities is up to us. Our reactions are the result of choice. Our life's purpose is what we say it is. Feed the good wolf, feed the bad wolf. See the good, see the bad. Get busy livin', get busy dyin'. Take the "red" pill, take the "blue" pill. It's all about choice.
Sometimes we just need a little motivation. Sometimes we just need a reminder. Sometimes the universe will allow us, and sometimes it will force us. For the little time we have, we can make the best of it, or we can make the worst of it. Everything in this world is connected-even the negative and the positive. We are all part of this world. We are all connected through energy. We know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. We know that energy is constantly moving into form, through form and out of form. We know that everything we know as mass and light, is energy (E=MC2). We know that energy in motion tends to stay in motion. We know that like energy seeks like energy. We know our bodies harness energy, use energy, give off energy and at the very core of our molecules and atoms, exists energy itself. We can even read the energy coming from our thoughts on an EKG. We can look through microscopes and telescopes and see that every single thing in this universe at it's simplest form, is energy. Therefor, everything and everyone is fundamentally made of the same thing. We are one big energy field.
We as humans, quite literally, possess the energy sources we choose, the energy fields we operate in and the energy we attract. Quantum physics states that you can't have a universe without the mind entering into it first. Perception is in the mind. Our bodies possess incredible tools to guide us along the way. Our emotions, our spirits and our physical bodies all work together as one. It's up to us to stay in balance. We can go with the flow of the universe, embrace it's laws and live life to the fullest, or we can practice willful ignorance and deal with the consequences. All across the globe, people's instincts are kicking in. We're aware of something, but we can't seem to put our fingers on it. We sense that something is going on and that something needs to happen. Something in the world just isn't right. We can feel it. Perhaps it's the universe whispering in our ears, tugging at our hearts, stirring our emotions and beckoning our minds. Perhaps this is our inner consciousness, pushing us for change.
The physical signs are everywhere. Mother Nature suggests it at every turn. Our ways are not working, and it's time to put our hearts, minds and spirits together, assess the situation, go back to the drawing board and create positive change. Choose a positive mindset. Choose not to ignore the facts, information and signs all around you. Use it for contrast to make better choices and fuel the fires that draw people to you, rather than away from you. Choose a better life for you and for others. Believe that we can do it, and show it in your actions. The choice is up to you. Accept life or we'll receive the next Darwin Award....
We use all sorts of things to increase dopamine and seratonin- drugs, alcohol, sex, music, exercise, laughter, to name a few. We encourage both good and bad behaviors in our societies. Some talk the talk, while others walk the walk. We can be selfish at times, and giving at others. We can practice good morals, ethics and standards, form codes for our lives and practice good disciplines, and demonstrate quite the opposite as well. We can help each other, and we can hurt each other. We can be mean and we can be kind. We can love and we can hate. We can nurture and we can destroy. We can give life and we can take life... So what influences these decisions? We're motivated by lots of different forces: guilt, shame, fear, peer pressure, hate, love, gratitude, compassion, joy, the sun, the moon, the weather, temperature and the list can go on and on...
As we come into the world, we start a learning process. We become aware of our surroundings. We live different experiences. We remember the things that influence our lives and how people, places and things make us feel. We gain knowledge and understanding. We make mistakes, learn from those mistakes and often repeat the same mistakes. We make friends and lose friends. We can be the example and make examples. Our lives are a journey, not a destination. Our lives are constantly evolving and we are all at different points in those journeys. Our mind, bodies and spirits are always changing. The environment and things we cannot see or understand are always changing. Our strength as humans is that we can adapt. We adapt through our choices and will to live and survive. What really matters is our perspective in life and our mindset. Life is all about balance. We have the power of choice. Everyday we are presented with opportunities. What we do with those opportunities is up to us. Our reactions are the result of choice. Our life's purpose is what we say it is. Feed the good wolf, feed the bad wolf. See the good, see the bad. Get busy livin', get busy dyin'. Take the "red" pill, take the "blue" pill. It's all about choice.
Sometimes we just need a little motivation. Sometimes we just need a reminder. Sometimes the universe will allow us, and sometimes it will force us. For the little time we have, we can make the best of it, or we can make the worst of it. Everything in this world is connected-even the negative and the positive. We are all part of this world. We are all connected through energy. We know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. We know that energy is constantly moving into form, through form and out of form. We know that everything we know as mass and light, is energy (E=MC2). We know that energy in motion tends to stay in motion. We know that like energy seeks like energy. We know our bodies harness energy, use energy, give off energy and at the very core of our molecules and atoms, exists energy itself. We can even read the energy coming from our thoughts on an EKG. We can look through microscopes and telescopes and see that every single thing in this universe at it's simplest form, is energy. Therefor, everything and everyone is fundamentally made of the same thing. We are one big energy field.
We as humans, quite literally, possess the energy sources we choose, the energy fields we operate in and the energy we attract. Quantum physics states that you can't have a universe without the mind entering into it first. Perception is in the mind. Our bodies possess incredible tools to guide us along the way. Our emotions, our spirits and our physical bodies all work together as one. It's up to us to stay in balance. We can go with the flow of the universe, embrace it's laws and live life to the fullest, or we can practice willful ignorance and deal with the consequences. All across the globe, people's instincts are kicking in. We're aware of something, but we can't seem to put our fingers on it. We sense that something is going on and that something needs to happen. Something in the world just isn't right. We can feel it. Perhaps it's the universe whispering in our ears, tugging at our hearts, stirring our emotions and beckoning our minds. Perhaps this is our inner consciousness, pushing us for change.
The physical signs are everywhere. Mother Nature suggests it at every turn. Our ways are not working, and it's time to put our hearts, minds and spirits together, assess the situation, go back to the drawing board and create positive change. Choose a positive mindset. Choose not to ignore the facts, information and signs all around you. Use it for contrast to make better choices and fuel the fires that draw people to you, rather than away from you. Choose a better life for you and for others. Believe that we can do it, and show it in your actions. The choice is up to you. Accept life or we'll receive the next Darwin Award....
Regurgitated flash art from experiences in life & college
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