Cui Bono? ... translates "To whose benefit?", literally "as a benefit to whom?", is a question phrased either to suggest a hidden motive, or to indicate that the party responsible for something, may not be who it appears to be at first. Generally speaking, the phrase indicates that the person, or people, who committed the crime, gained financially, and in the process, successfully diverted attention towards a scapegoat. In movies, books, or even the real world, we hear detectives say, "Follow the money trail."... and that's what we're gonna do.
In previous blogs "Revolience Economics 101" and "To feed the FED, or to be fed with the FED", we briefly examined the history of money, the history of central banks (specifically the Federal Reserve), how money works, and tried to simplify modern economics so we could better understand how it relates to our lives. We examined the words of the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, and read the opinions and statements from our greatest leaders about them, our economy and the plight of the American people as a result of their influence. We touched on two President's attempts to bypass the FED, and the responses, results, outcomes, events, circumstances and theories surrounding those attempts and their failures. We visited the Federal Reserve's website, and read about it's history, structure, purpose, connection with the U.S. Government, and their stated future and ongoing goal for a one-world currency. We identified the private, primary member banks associated with the system, their owners and businesses which are linked to them, and how our founding fathers set up our system of government to operate without them. We reviewed the history books, talked about the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and how they've been in business ever since, and we've been in debt ever since.
Needless to say, after one uncovers the multiple layers and associations within this network, one discovers that they have quite the history, and that the money trail goes all over the planet, ranging from prominent banks, governments, big corporate businesses, all sorts of media (newsgroups, television, the movie industry, publication companies etc.), education halls, and a host of other avenues as well. We don't have to worry anymore about a conspiracy relating to their intentions, as they clearly indicate those intentions in recent books and websites. These intentions and goals have been stated more than once, all through history, and always seems to be accompanied with a certain "arrogance" attached to it. They have funded wars, financed both sides of wars, threatened to wage war against any person or institution which purposely and willfully defies them, withheld money to shove their weight and prove their power, and on top of that, they have absolutely no problem, whatsoever, admitting to such things. "Money Mechanics" goes into full detail how money is made out of thin air, with the use of "fractional reserve banking," and we've already gone over loans and interest charges, Treasury Bonds, taxes, Federal Reserve Notes, quantitative easing, and inherent inflation and scarcity associated with our current "fiat" currency system, since abandoning the "gold standard" in the early 70's.
In the last blog, "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled...", we examined physical slavery of yesteryear, and how modern wage slavery keeps all of us on our hamster wheels, continually fueling the perpetual debt machine. All the while, the transfer of wealth makes the rich get richer while the poor continue to get poorer and poorer and poorer... As the effects of the system trickle down into the middle, low income and poverty classes, people start to notice how their money doesn't go as far anymore, and they're having to make all sorts of adjustments in their lives, just to even try to keep up. Many weren't and aren't able to keep up right now. Of course, the majority of the people are oblivious to the big picture, unaware of the most elaborate and ingenious scam in the history of mankind. They are so dependent on the system, they fear getting out of it, bucking it or destroying it, and continue running on the wheel of insanity, refusing to let go of the life pre programmed and worked for in their mind.
As things continually get worse for the hamsters, some of them start to wonder and question the state of their affairs and their existence in their cages. They slowly start to realize, things aren't exactly the way they were brought up to believe, taught to believe or even wanna believe. It compels them to find solutions for their problems, answers to their questions and reason to their confusion. Something is wrong. Something isn't right. Things aren't adding up, and things definitely don't make sense. This is not the way things are supposed to go, and so they set out on a journey to figure it out. Something or someone is to blame, and they're GONNA figure it out...
The process of "waking up" is very difficult for most people, causing all the emotional steps of "grief" to manifest themselves in a variety of ways, at different levels and at different times. A whirlwind of emotion seizes them, and takes a firm grasp and hold upon their lives. The majority are still in denial, unable or unwilling to see reality. Some become outraged with anger, and have extreme trouble processing it-good or bad. Others are trying to bargain their way out of the mess, while some enter into a depressive state of hopelessness and despair. Only a few have gotten to the acceptance stage, and we all bounce around in the different levels, in no particular order, for no set amount of time... It's only when we can admit there is, in fact, a problem, that we start the process of solving it. This is an incredible moment for most people. Their eyes are wide open. They have begun a new journey. A journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. In a process of self-educating themselves, they examine more and more information, and unknowingly, they are sharpening and honing their critical and logistical reasoning skills. As a result, they gain self-confidence, and are more motivated than they have ever been before in their lives. There is a whole other world that exists outside of the cage, and freedom beckons their release. There is purpose to their life. Now, they are focused and ready for action. The desire for change occurs, as they see they are not alone. There exists a whole network of others who are out here, awake and aware. They know we're all enslaved to this modern system of plunder, and have devoted their lives to the cause of ending it, and choosing freedom, rather than slavery. And here we are... Connecting the dots. Sharing information and ideas. Discussing our next moves. Contemplating our futures. Forming social circles, groups, communities, alliances, friendships and links, that span the entire surface of globe through the "Matrix." We are not alone, for we are many...
We didn't wake you up- you woke yourself up. It's why you're here reading this right now. It's why you keep reading. Something inside of you knows there's more than meets the eye. Something is propelling you. Every moment, every experience in your life, led you here. Now you're part of an ever increasing movement of people searching for the truth, observing information, analyzing data, following statistics, preparing and formulating invention... After all, necessity is the mother of invention, and at our darkest moments, the greatest break through will occur. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people addressing this debacle, from different angles and perspectives, with different approaches and techniques, and it's expanding expanding exponentially, like compound interest. Solutions and possibilities abound, and are endless. Now it's time for a moment of reflection. A time to look within and determine a course of action. Our perspectives may be different, but a house divided against itself will not stand. We all are going to have to reach down, dig deep and put aside our differences, in the interest of achieving the same overall goal- Positive progress. Positive progress comes from a positive mindset, and the determination and belief in positive changes that produce positive outcomes. We have choices that demand our decisions. How we react, will decide our fate, our destiny and our place in history. The history books are being written, and we're holding the instruments that write them. History reminds us there are three stages of Revolution, and we're in the first stage- ideological resistance. This stage sets the foundation, and make no mistake about it, we need a strong one. With knowledge comes responsibility, and future generations are depending on us. We are the key to a better future. This is a call to action...
Now that we're awake, things start to become more clear and focused. Hind sight is 20-20. We can clearly see how all of our actions contributed to our state of affairs and existence in our cages. We begin connecting the dots and filling in the missing pieces. We can end the mystery. When we examine the history of fiat currency, we discover that every single example one of them failed and/or collapsed. It's true. When you research fiat currency you will discover out of 775 examples, 20% failed because of hyperinflation, 21% were destroyed because of war, 12% were destroyed by independence, 24% were monetarily reformed, and the others which exist today, are steadily approaching one of the same outcomes. When you do the research, you will also discover, the average life expectancy for a fiat currency is 27 years. And how many years have passed since ours began?.... It's not a question of "if" the economy will collapse, people want to know "when" it will collapse. The truth is no one knows. We just know it's a mathematical certainty from studying other currencies. We also can be certain, we are on the road to WWIII. The writing is on the wall people. Look at the trail of money. Look at the events happening in the Middle East. Look at the budget numbers for military spending. Look at the alliances currently in the world. Look at the figures for big business. Look at the state of affairs in your nation, and all over the world. Study history and remind yourself what this all leads to. It's not hard to see if you start looking at the big picture with a different perspective.
We're good at seeing patterns, because we're the ones creating them. We can't blame one person, or one institution, or one group, or one race, or one event, or one party, or one nation, or one religion, or one culture, or one way of life. There is no head to cut off. All the roads just lead back to Rome, and the whole empire is collapsing. Sure, the money trail leads straight to the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. The central bank of all the central banks in the system, that has, and continues to plague our world. It's true. They hold "Global Economy Meetings" bi-monthly, with the presidents of all the key world banks present, joined there to discuss and control the world's finances, in the quest for world domination. The evil empire's headquarters itself. They once upon a time, met in secret, hidden from view of the people, lurked in the shadows. Not any more... Now they meet behind closed doors, in a structure designed and decorated by the Swiss architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron, sit and dine at a round table, surrounded by luxuries we could only imagine, black ceilings, framed white walls, the scent of white orchids and panoramic views overlooking the Rhine. The members represent countries that produce more than $51 trillion of gross domestic product- THREE QUARTERS of the WORLD'S ECONOMIC OUTPUT...The meetings are discussed in a recent article in the Wall Street Journal if you would like to read it yourself...
Finally! We have identified the enemy!! The root of all evil!!! They must be brought down with a quickness, before the cursed serpents slither away, and formulate another master plan, safe from the edge of the sword of justice herself, hidden in the bowels of the Devil!!! The end of the oppression and suffering for all of mankind is nigh! In the truest sense of irony, we shall turn the tables on them, create FREEDOM out of thin air, and demand payment with the debt that all men pay-DEATH!!! A treasured "bond" of our own. Our freedom finally earned... The price and final payment for their horrific and unthinkable acts of evil deception, manipulative control, thirst and hunger for endless greed for perpetual wealth, riches, power, and human domination and degradation... Not another minute must pass or hour be wasted... It must be done before Lucifer bleeds every last man, woman and child of their last drop of blood, destroys our species and every other form of life on our fragile planet they have determined to destroy, in the final Apocalypse of all Apocalypses......... ARMAGEDDON!!!!!!!!
But it won't end there, and you can "bank" on that. Be sure that there are battles everywhere that need to be fought. The institutions of man are corrupt, everywhere, and evil needs to be addressed all over the battlefield. There's only one thing to blame. One reason for the madness. Only one "cause" to the "effect"- human nature... And that is what has got to change. We have got to re-examine who we are, and how we got here. We must change direction, or we will get to where we are headed. We are all on the same planet, so we are all in this together. We must let go of our need to be right and our lust for control. We must give up our resistance to change, our fears, our excuses, our limiting beliefs and all the negative ideals, traits and characteristics that hold us down. It is time to get back to basics, make things simpler, rather than complicating them. Good triumphs over evil when we want it to, and when we allow it to. Like a child, we must forget our foolish desires, our selfish needs, shed our immature ways and stop constantly fighting ourselves.
We've gotta capitalize on our strengths, and accept help for our weaknesses. We must cultivate change, practice better disciplines and establish better habits. We must help, rather than hurt, and encourage, rather than discourage. We must let go of the past, and grab hold of our future. What is done is done, and we cannot change it. What we have is only the sum of our choices. The result of our past. A pattern we created. We can criticize, lay blame, find faults, punish, complain and point fingers, but for every pointed finger, there more pointing back at us. The mirror of life stares back and reflects who we really are. We can try to run away, but the earth is round, and runs in circles just like we do. The truth in all this, is right in front of us. We already have the answers, are fully capable change, and we already know what to do. Just think about it... At the end of the trail, "Who benefits?"..............
Sources: -link to the article from the Wall Street Journal on the Global Economic Meetings in Switzerland in "Who Controls The Money? An Unelected, Unaccountable Central Bank Of The World Does." "The Average Life Expectancy For a Fiat Currency is 27 years...Every 30-40 Years The Reigning Monetary System Fails and Has To Be Retooled." "The Road to WWIII"
The Federal Reserve-"Money Mechanics
David Rockefeller-"Memoirs"
This is amazing...
ReplyDeleteHappy 100th Birthday Federal Reserve System. I know its a little early. Yeah, it's not quite the middle of the night during congress's Christmas recess yet but I didn't want to wait and forget. If anyone ask me whats the best 100 year period in history, it will certainly not be your rein. If fact, given two world wars, a cold war, proxy wars, consolidation of wealth and power, our absolutely artificial economy, unpayable debt, etc., the past 100 years has been the worst in human history. You must be so proud. We couldn't have done it without you. Who knows how advanced we would be today if not for you squandering our resources with your invisible hand.