Thursday, February 21, 2013

...FIRE in the "WHOLE!"

     Before we begin, let's get some facts straight.  Here's a list of executive orders that have been on public record for over thirty years. Most of us aren't even aware of these orders, so let's review and get educated together.  We ALL need to know and be aware of this.  We cannot afford to NOT know this.  If this isn't the ACME Wile E. Coyote Hammer, I don't know what is...

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990: allows complete government take over of all modes of transportation and control of all highways and seaports.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995: allows government to seize and control all communication media.                                
-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997: allows government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, minerals.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998: allows government to take over all food resources and farms.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000: allows government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under it's supervision.                                  
-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001: allows government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002: designates the Postmaster General to operate national registrations of all persons.
-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003: allows government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004: allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005: allows government to take over all railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051: specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310: grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforcement plans set out in Executive Order(s), to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049: assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments &agencies and consolidates 21 operating Executive Orders issued over a 15 year period.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921: allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in the U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months....

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 12148: created the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that is to interface with the Department of Defense (DOD) for civil defense planning and funding. It ensures the survival of the U.S. Government in the event of "major emergency" , foreign or domestic. It's task is to be the coordinating body in times of national disaster.

-EXECUTIVE ORDER 12656: appoints the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers.  Allows government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and restricts freedom of movement within the U.S. and grants the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. It allows the National Guard to be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry.

     Now that we're all on the same page, let's summarize that for those with blank stares on their faces... Executive Order by the President, Constitutional or not, becomes law by it's publication in the Federal Registry and it by-passes Congress in the process.  This power suspends the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  In suspending the laws of our land, it allows for the arrest and detainment of any citizen without warrant and to hold them without trial.  It can seize anything from food, transportation, property or you name it and make you go or do anything it pleases.

     Whenever the President deems it necessary (economic collapse, civil unrest, foreign or domestic attack, protests against American intervention in a foreign country), a police state will ensue, our new form of government (higher than than the law of the land our forefathers set up) and your rights go right out the window, nothing in the government can stop it. Is it possible there is no provision or contingency to restore the Constitution after the order is signed?  Don't wanna believe all this?  Please do your research and find out for yourself...

     That's pretty straightforward, so let's review some other data, facts and information during our "shock and awe" session.  What's DHS (Department of Homeland Security) doing?  Well if you go to http//, you will discover that just recently DHS has purchased just under 2 BILLION rounds of ammunition with MILLIONS more on order.  This ammunition is not "target ammo" either.  It's anti-personnel ammunition such as JHPBT (Jacketed Hollow Point Boat Tail) .308 sniper rounds, .40 calibur 165 grain JHP rounds, 2 & 3/4-12 gauge 00Buck rounds, .357  Sig JHP rounds, and .45, 9mm, .38, .223, 7.62x39 and 5.56x45mm rounds as well.  For those that are reading "Greek," and don't know anything about ballistics, these rounds go in hand guns and machine guns and deliver maximum energy transfer with penetration and "knock down" power- Even the military doesn't carry this kind of ammunition in our current wars.  It's true- look it up.

     This isn't all either.  They just got $400,000 of radiation protection pills, hundreds of thousands of dollars in riot gear, grenades, bullet proof checkpoint booths, NATO select fire (A switch allows for semi-auto or full auto) PDW's (Personal Defense Weapons), 30 round magazines and a whole bunch of other stuff you'll see in your kid's video games and in movies.  You might also be interested to know that several hundred thousand plastic coffins (designed to be burned if needed) have been purchased and are stored on land jointly owned by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and WHO (World Health Organization) in Atlanta, GA, right next to the FEMA Regional office and training facility, which happens to be a hop skip and a jump from the "Fusion Center." (Named "Fusion Center of the Year" presented by Janet Napolitano, for it's involvement in two cases in particular- the search for Jamie Hood in Athens, and for the search for Jorelys Rivera in Canton.)  If you don't know what a "fusion center" is, you might want to research that...

*Jorelys Rivera was a tragically murdered young girl, which gained attention in the media worldwide and I happened to be involved in every operational period as a tracker for Search and Rescue- and I remember it like it was yesterday. My team spent 4 days and nights, looking for her, collecting evidence, going door to door, heading up search parties and doing everything in our power to bring justice to the table.  The very first person, my partner and I came across, right when we left command, on the very first hasty search, was Ryan Brunn- the murderer.  He followed us around, and his suspicious behavior prompted us to report him to command.  Later we found key evidence, the crime scene, the egress route etc. My partner and I wrote our reports, debriefed to command and prepared for court, but Ryan committed suicide before we were even needed there.  Many, many people, both paid and volunteer, devoted their time to this case with everything they had to give.  My heart goes out to her family and all those involved.  It was a tragedy that shook everyone...

     There are some other facts you need to be aware of in addition to those mentioned before.  The U.S. House of Representatives has passed HR 6566, which is an ammendnent to the Homeland Security Act of 2002, which "imbues the Administrator of FEMA to provide guidance and coordination for mass fatality planning, and for other purposes."  In addition, The National Emergency Centers Establishment Act, HR Bill 645, clearly mandates the creation of "FEMA CAMPS" which seems to be a "conspiracy" still to some, and if you still need proof, you can watch a report from CBS on November 10th, which reports that these camps are being used to house the victims of some recent super storms which have made headline news lately.  You also might want to check out the 10 divisions of the country outlined by FEMA while you're reading or watching The Hunger Games...

     While your researching all of this, you might as well check out the new training programs which involve shooting pictures of pregnant women, young girls and boys on playgounds, and elderly men an women holding guns in preparation for civil unrest, domestic terrorism (American's suspicious of centralized federal authority, reverent of individual liberty and labeled as right wing terrorists), and as Janet Napolitano (chief of DHS) says, they are "preparing for a mass plan to deal with the shelter and processing of large numbers of immigrants."  Before doing this tho, you might want to review the Patriot Act, which vastly expands the government's authority to spy on American citizens, while simultaneously reduces the "checks and balances" on those powers like judicial oversight, public accountability, and the ability to challenge those searches in court, which violates the 1st and 4th Amendments.  And don't forget the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) which allows the President, or any future Presidents, to order the military to arrest, imprison and torture anyone in the world, indefinitely, without charge or trial, which not only violates the Constitution, but violates the International Laws of War as well...

     Now let's put all these facts, data and information in perspective.  Now that you know the power our government holds, and the statistics of the recent purchases by our civilian national security force, and that none of this is exaggerated or pulled from unreliable sources, you might want to compare how much ammunition the military used in it's war in Iraq.  At the height of the war, the U.S. military only used 70 Million rounds per year.  At that rate, the amount recently purchased by DHS, would take almost 30 years to use... And that ammo is to be used on American soil only... To be fair, some of it is for training obviously, and DHS said "they needed it" because Obama stated our civilian national security force needed to be "just as strong, just as powerful and well funded as the military."  Just so you know, the math works out where every person in the United States would have 5 cartridges at this point...

     DHS also stated there was a shortage of ammo and they were buying in bulk to save money... Which brings up another interresting set of facts.  DHS isn't the only one buying guns and ammo.  The F.B.I. database reveals some pretty interresting data about the citizens of America as well. Over 70 Million guns have been purchased since 2009, and according to background checks, just in the last year, a gun has been purchased every 1.5 seconds.  The Guns and Ammo Industry report indicates that every gun and ammo manufacturer in the country is running full capacity, 24/7, is maxed out, or has plans to further increase production over the next few months. Some have even stopped taking orders while some are not able to find enough parts to complete orders or locate the metal necessary to manufacture the weapons.

     Active concealed weapons permits in the U.S. number over 8 Million and are exponentially climbing as well. The stats are mind boggling. One simply cannot ignore what's going on right now. All the guns and ammo are just disappearing and being purchased. Just go to any gun store and look at the shelves and talk to the employees. America is preparing for something. Obviously, DHS is preparing for an extraordinary event on U.S. soil and the citizens are preparing for something other than sport hunting or bench shooting. So what is it preparing for?  What on Earth is going on?...

     Never before in history has this many guns and ammo been purchased this quickly, and these are only the stats on public record.  Imagine what's happening in the black market and off the record.  It is undeniable that something is going on.  Debates on gun control and weapons and magazine bans are all over the place.  Media statistics aren't even close to the truth.  The Sandy Hook School shooting and the Chris Dorner case are just a couple of the many cases out there which have propelled this unprecedented event.  Just go to the F.B.I. database and review your own statistics on what's going on. Events like these happen all the time, all over the place.  These two events by themselves are not responsible for the big picture.  Go to all the government websites dealing with anything and everything related to this post.  Visit Youtube and any other source of information you can find. Pay attention and think outside the box. Be critical. Think logical and use your common sense...

     All the information, statistics, data is out there and you need to see it for yourself.  Assume I'm wrong about all of it. Challenge everything in this post. Get informed, get educated and get involved. Review history related to this entire post.  Remind yourself what happens. This isn't something you can just hope turns out all right. We all need to be paying attention to current events right now. We all need to start being the change we want to see in the world right now. This post doesn't even touch the surface. Challenge yourself. The time has come. Let go of fear. Stop procrastinating. This is a call to action. Willful ignorance is a plague. Get involved in your community. Continue your education. Make positive changes within yourself and set the example for others to follow. Don't blame or point fingers. Accept that our choices in the past have added up to the present.  Our future hangs in the balance and demands our immediate attention. Spread the word.  Never stop questioning.  Pursue the truth and get out there and make a difference. Everyone's locked and loaded and there's a fire in the "whole"..........


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