"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." -Prince Gautama Siddharta
"Common sense is not so common." -Voltaire
"I can never fear that things will go far wrong where common sense has fair play." -Thomas Jefferson
"A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning." -Quote from Proverbs
"Common sense is as rare as genius, and is the basis of genius... Common sense is genius dressed in it's working clothes." -Ralph Waldo Emmerson
"The best prophet is common sense, our native wit." -Euripides
"Most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late, that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes." -Oscar Wilde
Before we dive into some of the more popular conspiracies, like Chris Dorner, Sandy Hook, 9/11, Chemtrails, HAARP, JFK etc., we've gotta discuss a few things. First, you've gotta ask yourself, if there is even the possibility they are true, and if you don't believe they are true, then you've gotta ask yourself if it's because you truly don't believe they're true, or because you don't want to believe they're true. Conspiracy is becoming the talk of the town lately, and generally speaking, the common belief is that conspiracies are only based in truth, and not necessarily truth, because they can't be proven. This belief is based on the "innocent until proven guilty" idea, and most people require the smoking gun with the silver bullet to give the theory any weight, undivided attention or merit. Most people "assume" the right people are working on it, and with "blind faith", believe the "truth" is coming. Such people point to conspiracies like Watergate to prove their point. If it's true, it will come out...
This seems logical to most people, but one has to ask if they really gave any of these existing theories any real attention or thought. For instance, consider where you first heard of the theory. Was it based solely on information from t.v? Do you wholly believe everything you hear on t.v. is true, and that in no way could the information be biased or manipulated? Have you really thought about or challenged the credibility of the source where you first heard the information? How much time did you actually research, and from how many sources did you challenge the information and their credibility? Perhaps you have already concluded that the theory didn't warrant that kind of challenge based on other reasons...
For example, you might have reasoned that conspiracies require the cooperation of hundreds, if not thousands of people. Surely someone would "spill the beans" and that kind of information could not be hidden or suppressed with so much on the line. Obviously, a conspiracy theorist would say that's how the info got out anyway, and would argue that a conspiracy doesn't have to be 100% effective- even a bucket with holes will transport the majority of what's in it to it's destination. To get away with something that big, only the mass opinion matters. The lower percentage of people that do figure it out, are labeled, and who wants to be considered "crazy, paranoid or a theorist" anyway? I would consider this dangerous thinking as the one animal that's going the opposite direction of the herd running over the cliff is considered "crazy" until ...
O.k., so that makes logical sense, but then you might ask how a conspiracy can be proven beyond doubt, and require a full explanation on how it was accomplished. Consider this- when putting together a jigsaw puzzle, do you have to have every single piece to see the picture on the puzzle? It does make sense, that you wouldn't require every piece to see the picture. Cases go on for years, even when the detectives know what happened, wouldn't you agree? Surely, you have had this happen in your own life at some point or another. Wouldn't common sense dictate that perhaps the same holds true with conspiracy theories? Wouldn't it be plausible to think that perhaps you could see the big picture without all the details?...
Well, of course, but you can't just jump to conclusions with just a couple coincidences. If we're gonna talk numbers, then let's talk probabilities. You can't come to conclusions based on just a few pieces of conflicting information. And even if you did have a "smoking gun with the silver bullet," you could still reason the explanation is just way too easy, or simple to see in such a complex theory. One would have to spend an awful lot of time studying the case, following motive and the money trail to put all that together. With limited information, how could anyone with common sense think that was possible? Talk about critical thinking! Well, again I ask, "How much studying have you actually done?" We can go in circles all day, but common sense would say, "You really can't form an opinion if you haven't given it any attention." Perhaps, the source of the theory comes from someone who HAS given it more attention than you. Perhaps there is some information out there you haven't come across yet. Is that possible?...
Have you really challenged yourself in all of this? Have you challenged the sources? Have you challenged the information or data? Do you really believe mainstream media gives you all the "facts" to every case? Do you really believe all media presents unbiased and un-manipulated investigative journalism? Is it possible, you might have missed something or jumped to conclusions based on conditioning, or are you arriving at your decisions based on logical reasoning and critical thinking with an open mind? Do you follow popular opinion, or do you consider yourself strong enough to stand away from the crowd? I think it's safe to say, that at one time or another, we haven't exactly been above reproach, and perhaps we could have made some hasty decisions and choices. Perhaps, after deciding to revisit some of these conspiracies, we could approach them with a different mindset and apply some common sense to them in our pursuit of truth...
So now that we've come to the conclusion that we're all human, let's review some of the more popular conspiracies right now, and see what we come up with. Chris Dorner- pretty big case in the news right now. Some say he's a murderer and a domestic terrorist. All this is evidenced by his manifesto, the testimony of police and his actions. But how many of us have actually read the manifesto? Of those that did, what did they conclude? Can we fully believe, based on one document, that the accusations portrayed by the media and law enforcement hold true? Some people are saying no. They're arguing we can't accomplish that without a fair trial. They're saying that our human rights have gone out the window with the Patriot Act and the NDAA and subsequently, innocent people are being shot at without warning. They feel things are out of control and argue, that citizens should not have to worry about law enforcement making snap decisions that affect innocent people or create human casualty. They go on to say there exists plenty of evidence that Dorner was "conveniently" murdered and recordings of the police, prove so. In addition, they ask how a plastic licence could remain intact after a blaze that burnt down a house. Based on what you've seen in the media and on the Internet, what conclusion have you come to? How much time have you put into this case? Have you thought about how this case affects you? Does it affect you? Is it worth your time to figure that out? It's a pretty big controversy right now. What are your feelings and did they influence your decisions? Does emotion play a big part in your conclusion or has logic based reasoning and critical thinking, combined with common sense and an open mind, got you where you stand?...
False Flag events are a huge topic in the conspiracy world. 9/11 is a good example of that. There's holes all in this one. How could a plane fit into the size of the hole in the Pentagon? Where's the footage of the crash and debris left over? How come we can review people on live television, stating that building number 7, across from the World Trade Center, had fallen due to fire, yet we can clearly see the building in the background, twenty minutes before it actually collapsed? People at the scene, to this day, state they heard explosions in the building, below the impact zones, and prior to the collapse. This doesn't even come close to all the evidence people are analyzing to this very day. Many, many documentaries exist and eye witness accounts all over the Internet. Yet most people, even with overwhelming evidence, still believe the 9/11 Commission report. Conspiracy theorists even point out the same kind of glaringly obvious evidence in the Sandy Hook School Shootings. How can it be, that websites in honor of the murdered children, exist and were created days before the actual shooting? And this is just a start. Wouldn't we be doing more honor to those that lost their lives by pursuing the truth?...
Common sense, tells us there is a whole lot more than meets the eye in these cases. One doesn't have to be an inside investigator to realize there's more to the story. Obviously, citizens of this country, and people all over the world are saying the same thing. The events have already taken place, the damage done, and yet, the nation is in an uproar about them. The masses are starting to question all sorts of events in mainstream media, and quite often, at that. Issues like war overseas and gun control and civil liberties are rampant all over the place. These issues are fueled with intense emotion, and forcing people to take stances on subjects they would prefer not to. Others are, in fact, looking for these types of situations to fuel their fires on agendas and propaganda. These situations are perfect platforms to push their own agendas and opinions. And that is what concerns me...
Common sense, shows us that some of these conspiracies are too easy. It's not hard, after spending some time reviewing the information, to come to some pretty glaringly obvious conclusions. Take for example, the Chemtrails or HAARP conspiracies. The Freedom of Information Act, has led way to revealing all kinds of information available to the public, that is rarely, if ever, shown or released on mainstream media. One would think that when it comes to people's health, information released about vaccines, chemicals in the air-released on purpose, chemicals put in our food- on purpose, chemicals dumped on land or in the sea- on purpose, strains of viruses and diseases designed and released- on purpose, would be a widely discussed topic that would outrage people. Surely, this would change the way we think about health, medicine and the environment worldwide. It definitely should inspire people to at least rethink or approach their lives a little differently. Especially when their own health and the health of their children, family and friends are in jeopardy. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people, organizations, groups and activists working to bring this information to public light, yet people still ignore it and shrug their shoulders. Telling them, we actually have the ability to manipulate the weather, is even harder for people to grasp, let alone process the ramifications of such a thing...
Have we all just become conditioned in all this? Are there just too many conspiracies going on right now? It used to just be isolated theories like JFK or Roswell. Now, it seems to be frequently occuring all over the globe. People are questioning everything, all over the place, and wondering why this doesn't bother the masses. Divisions, as a result, are taking place. People's emotions are propelling them to warn everyone and when everyone doesn't listen, well... things start to get ugly in a lot of cases. The worst in human nature starts to come out, fueled by the results of the worst of human nature and more of the same can be expected because of it- perpetual negativity. It's ironic to see all of this play out. On a fundamental level, we are all made of the same thing, we all have the same basic needs, we all exist in the same world and yet, how can we all be so separated and divided when we're all so very connected on a basic level? Common sense says this is not logical, or reasonable, or even supportive of our survival as a species...
In conclusion, how much does common sense really play a role in our lives? Have you ever considered that perhaps the real conspiracy is playing with common sense? Perhaps some of these conspiracies were designed to divide us? Perhaps when a plot starts at the top, it continues to work because it didn't originate from the outside-in, but rather from the top down, and for a reason? Perhaps fear plays a big role? Perhaps people are just following the herd? Perhaps they don't care what people know and what they don't know? Perhaps common sense just shows us that people are just doing what people do? Perhaps we need to reevaluate our position on things? Perhaps we should start looking within? Perhaps we should start looking in the mirror? Perhaps we should stop for a minute and think?...
How are we going to make it through anything the way things are going? If you're just starting to "wake up," I challenge you to try to curb your enthusiasm, and rethink how you're gonna spread the word. Put your emotion aside, and ask yourself, "How can I get my message across and have a positive effect?" Do you really think that forcing the message on others will have the best result? Do you think making others look less than smart will have good results? Do you think looking down at others has positive results? What about emotionally charged and heated debates? Does that kind of environment allow people to reach decisions on their own in a positive way? Wouldn't respecting others be a better way of getting your message across? Wouldn't setting a positive example, inspire others to follow? After all, weren't you at one time "asleep" and in the "dark?" What did it take for you to wake up? Do you think that all others will do the same? Do you really want to make a difference? Do you really think everyone is going to listen to you even if you know the truth? Perhaps change is really possible when we cultivate it inside of ourselves first? You're right. People do need to see what's going on around them. People do need to start getting educated and start getting involved. There has never been more of a time in our lives to understand the world is reaching critical mass. Conspiracy is everywhere. So again I ask, "How many spoonfuls of common sense do you take in your conspiracy?"...
"Knowing thyself, is the beginning of all wisdom...It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it... All persons ought to endeavor to follow what is right, and not what is established... The high minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think... To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing... To perceive is to suffer... Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all... Learning is not child's play; we cannot learn without pain... Anybody can become angry-that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way-that is not within everybody's power, and is not that easy... Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives-choice, not chance, determines your destiny... It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace... To write well, express yourself like the common man, but think like a wise one... The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend... He who has overcome his fears will truly be free... Those who know, do- Those that understand teach... I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self... " -Aristotle
youtube-groundedbeing video(s)- "Represent With Integrity"/"Return to Balance"
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