Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled...

     The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist.  What is freedom?  The dictionary defines "freedom" as-1.The power or right to act, speak or think as one wants, without hindrance or restraint. 2.Absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government... Conversely, the dictionary defines "slavery" as-1.The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household. 2. The practice of owning slaves/or a mode of production in which slaves constitute the principle work force. 3. The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence. 4. A condition of hard work and subjection(wage slavery)...

     Slavery has been abolished in most nations, or has it?  The traditional form of slavery required the owner to feed and house the slave.  But, what if someone figured out a way to not have to house or feed the slave?... What if they found a way around the system of modern laws, to create a new form of slavery?... What if they discovered a way for the slave to not even realize they were, in fact, a slave?... What if they created a system, that even after one realized they were a slave, they would be so dependent on the system, they wouldn't even want to escape or fight the deception for their freedom?... Let's think about that for a moment... How could this be accomplished?... Could that be achieved with the use of debt? The dictionary defines "debt" as- 1. something that is owed, such as money, goods or services. 2. an obligation to pay or perform something; liability 3. the state of owing something, especially money, or of being under an obligation...

     Let's review the United States' economic system, and see how these definitions apply.  The U.S. is a nation of free enterprise and capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of capital goods and the means of production, with the creation of goods and services for profit.  Obviously, profit is not a bad thing.  Being rewarded for one's work is evidenced all through history, and when the fruits of labor are harvested, productivity and abundance are the result.  However, when restrictions are imposed on the system, a much different result starts to unfold.  Once again, history, reminds us that when social engineering gains control of the system, and restricts people from receiving the fruits of their harvest, productivity will inherently fall and scarcity will become the norm.

     In a "free market," the result of profit motivation, lead way to competition. Competition is known for being good for the market.  Better services and quality products are the result.  Conversely, when there are controls placed on a free market, suddenly profit motive leads to a much different market, on a much different path.  We've all heard it before. The rich get rich, and the poor get poorer. It's been labeled as a "collectivist system."  Many believe this is the system in the U.S. today.  So, how does that happen?... Let's examine our current currency and try to figure that out...

     America abandoned the gold standard in the early 70's.  After that, we went to a "fiat currency."  We already know our money is created with debt, as explained in the "Revolience Economics 101" blog.  Our Government borrows money from the FED, in exchange the FED carries the debt and charges interest to the Government for the loan.  Hence, the process begins.  How can a society, ever get out of debt, when the whole system is based on debt?... The obvious answer is that it cannot.  The borrower becomes servant to the lender.  The only way to create more money, is to create more debt, and what do people do when they are in debt?  They get a job.  Why do people keep working their jobs?  They want to keep their homes and their cars, feed themselves, clothe themselves, entertain themselves etc., etc., etc.  It is the fear of losing their assets, belongings and necessities that keeps them motivated.  Add to this, the inherent inflation associated with perpetual debt, and people with jobs will continue to struggle with the onset of scarcity within the system.  The more money is created, the more debt is created, the more the currency loses it's value, the less it will buy.  As time goes on, and the scales become more unbalanced, suddenly people find themselves endlessly running on that hamster wheel, unable to get off...

     What was once thought of as a good idea, becomes the subject of debate amongst the hamsters.  The transfer of the wealth becomes more obvious, and people start to feel the effects of the system.  The only one's who benefit in this system are at the very top, and they control everything.  Our economy, our politics, our media, our businesses, and the list goes on and on.  The money started at the bank, and ends up at the bank.  We slowly start to realize, that capital controls labor with wages, and wages are controlled with money-  money created out of thin air in the form of debt.  And who controls the money?... The wealthy elite.  And what do the wealthy elite own?... Just about every major bank and every major corporation on the planet- the same names appear with the ownership of the television networks, cable networks, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels and of course, sites on the Internet.  See if you recognize any of these names: JP Morgan Chase and company, Merrill Lynch, Walton Enterprises LLC,  Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Bank of America, Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, News Corporation, CBS, NBC Universal, and many, many more, all which grace the Fortune 500 list...

     We already know the wealthy elite are spread all over the planet as well.  What about the World Bank and the IMF(International Monetary Fund)?  Do these names pop up in these arenas as well?  They certainly do.  Could these economic tactics apply at a global level?  John Adams once said that there were two ways to conquer and enslave a nation- one is by sword, the other is by debt.  How could this be accomplished at a global level?  Could the wealthy elite identify a country that has resources, arrange a huge loan to them and start the process there?  What happens when a nation can't repay it's loan?  Do they have to succumb to conditionalities and good governance?  Do they sell their resources or allow military bases to be put on their lands?  Do they have their utility companies privatized?  Do they sell off social services, their penal services, their insurance companies etc.?  Surely they wouldn't have to sell their educational systems, right?  Surely the hands of big business couldn't extend their arms past governments in this way...

     Have you ever asked yourself why the U.S. attacked Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Libya?  Why is the U.S. attempting to attack Iran, when both China and Russia have publicly stated they would declare war if the U.S. continues?  Iran hasn't invaded another country since 1798.  In 1971, why did the U.S. refuse to give France their gold back?  Why has every member of OPEC agreed to sell their oil in U.S. dollars?  Was it really acceptable to kill 500,000 children to bring stability and peace to a region?  More people die from allergies and health conditions than from acts of terrorism, so can we justify these undeclared wars of Congress through executive order on these nations?...

     Surely the hands of big business wouldn't use the government, or work through the government to support the value of the Petrodollar, or create opportunities to support the acquisition of the assets and resources of a nation?  It couldn't be that they would manipulate the people's views through media and other outlets.  There simply can't be a conspiracy to dominate the world through a one world government and a one world currency.  There's no way any of this could be true.  History doesn't support these kinds of wild theories does it?  No country has ever been enslaved by debt, have they?  Surely, no one has ever admitted to such a horrific plan, have they?...

     There is certainly no possibility our views have been manipulated at that large of a scale?  If proof of these injustices and deceptions existed, everyone on the planet would be aware, and in an outrage.  People would just not stand for these kinds of actions. That level of deception and manipulation cannot exist. This is absurd and ludicrous, and filled with half-truths and speculations.  No one in their right mind could ever conceive such fallacies.  This is what you would expect to read about in books, see happen in movies, expect your kids to be exposed to in video games, stories told that exist only in people's minds and could never happen in the real world.  Our Government would never allow itself to be infiltrated and carry out such horrific acts or hypocritical actions.

     There is no move to a one world government or one world form of currency. The New World Order is only a conspiracy theory, and people that believe in it are misinformed and confused.  History presents no examples of people oppressed by the hands of money, or the quest for world dominance.  Slavery is a thing of the past, and was abolished entirely, years ago.  The economy is getting better and better.  Stocks are up.  Unemployment is down.  Businesses are thriving, and less people are living off the Government everyday.  Inflation is under control and we got past the last debt ceiling.

     Things were different with our forefathers and they took the proper steps to ensure our freedoms and liberties anyway.  America is the greatest nation on the planet and is doing everything in it's power to help the rest of the world, and especially it's own people.  This is the home of the brave and the land of the free.  Every nation, every culture, every system of money has inherent flaws.  Taxes exist to maintain our roads, school systems etc., and the best and brightest people in the nation handle our budget.  Our political system is designed to ensure the voices of the people, and our President has our best interests in mind.  There are no elaborate plots, conspiracies, secret societies or "wealthy elite" running the show, or influencing our minds.

     We are free to pick the lives we want, our jobs, our entertainment, our choices of material goods, means of education and we're free to watch or read any media we choose. Our military is the strongest in the world, and we have more than established our dominance as a Super-Power.  We are pushing green technologies and setting the example for the world to follow.  Our businesses are the strongest in the world, and our people are more privileged than ever.  Investment numbers are up, savings are up, the housing market is up and the future is looking brighter than ever.  Trade with other countries is strong.  Our relationships with our allies are strong.  There won't be a collapse of the economy, our leaders would never let that happen- much less at a global level.  We invaded those countries to protect our great nation and put an end to terrorism.  The deaths of innocent children, women and men are casualties of war and they were just collateral damage.  We did what we did for the "greater good."  It was a difficult decision, but it was worth it in the end.

     9/ll and the Sandy Hook school shootings are tragedies, but more than enough information exists to show the public it can trust that the events surrounding them are in good hands, and justice will prevail.  Our justice system will bring the perpetrators in, take the appropriate action and create preventative measures to ensure the future safety of the public.  The Constitution was constructed in a different time and doesn't apply entirely to modern times.  Look at all the Amendments we've made since it's creation.  Money isn't created out of "thin air," and how could anyone, with any sense, believe such a notion.  The Federal Reserve protects our economy, and has helped us many times in the past.  There are no "wealthy elite" running it, as it's a network of banks, that chooses it own directors, and is overseen by the government.  There are restrictions for corporate monsters and monopolies are a thing of the past.  There are laws which govern corporate actions and they are under constant surveillance and scrutiny.

     Our media is always at the scene, with objective reporting, and the public is free to make their own decisions based on those reports. Constant updates come from reliable sources that the public can trust, and the public can see what's going on with their own eyes.  Laws apply to the media as well.  All these "truth movement people" and "conspiracy theorists" have too much time on their hands, and are just trying to stir the pot, which creates problems within our society.  "Preppers" and "survivalists" are over the top, and wasting their time.  They've been fooled into paranoia. They were wrong about December 21,2012 and Y2K, right?   FEMA and Homeland Security were instituted to help and protect our people.  They need extra ammunition to protect the citizens and there is no such thing as a "FEMA camp" to house our own people.  There are things going on that the people just don't need to know about, and people just need to have more faith in the system.  No one needs an assault weapon.  Besides, the government has bigger fire power than that anyway.   The environment is a top priority for the whole world.  People's quality of life and health are a priority all over the world, and the United States is fighting to free other nations and allow them to have the same freedoms we have.   The United States is the light of the world and an example to all.....................

     We have some pretty interesting perspectives from both sides here.  Some are extreme, while other's seem quite plausible.  How do we discover the truth in all of this? How do we separate fact from fiction?  One can't ignore the past, and one can't ignore what's happening in the present either. There has never been more of a time for us to unite and push for critical thinking and logic based reasoning.  If there is, in fact, more than meets the eye, shouldn't we be looking for the answers to our doubts and questions?  If our guts are telling us it's time for change, shouldn't we come together and figure out how to accomplish that?  Shouldn't we, as individuals, stop pointing fingers, drawing lines in the sand, and push for change within ourselves first, before we expect the world to change?  Should we force our agendas on others, or inspire them with our actions?  Shouldn't we start by educating ourselves and opening the lines of communication.  Shouldn't we admit we don't and can't know the whole truth, but that we should always be seeking the truth?  Shouldn't we challenge information and the sources of that information, but most of all, challenge ourselves?  Our world is reaching critical mass and divisions are happening all over the place.

     Divided we won't stand a chance at a better future.  A positive mindset is needed in all of us, and we've got to start making better decisions to ensure a positive future.  There are things going on all over the planet, that need our attention.  There are some things we simply cannot afford to ignore.  We have got to wake up and get involved.  We can't just accept everything and challenge nothing.  Knowledge and education of our past, coupled with getting informed with our current situation is key.  Don't discount any information you come across.  Use all of it.  Share all of it.  Analyze all of it.  We won't discover the truth, if we don't search for it.  Have an open mind.  Admit we all make mistakes and that we have all been fooled in the past.  Admit that we can all learn something and that we have all been wrong before.  It's o.k. to make mistakes.  It's o.k. to be wrong at times.  Our strength lies in being able to own those bad choices, admitting our faults and choosing to learn from them by making better ones.

     Don't let fear hold you back.  If you come across information, don't be afraid to share it.  Don't worry about what others think of you, how you present it or even if you got it all right.  Willful ignorance is a plague, and a much worse offense. Take control of your future and grab the bull by the horns...Support your troops, police and government. Support local businesses, agencies and institutions,  but don't let your emotions get the best of you when you come across information that disturbs you.  The more you dig, the more you will find, and it takes a strong person, with a good mindset, to stay strong in the trenches.  Violence is not the answer, but rather a cool head, capable of dispassionate thinking is instead.  Whatever you do, don't forget that good doesn't exist without evil.  Don't you be fooled into thinking the devil doesn't exist............

"None are more hopelessly enslaved, than those who falsely believe they are free... There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear...During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act...Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war, but as an act of self defense against a homicidal maniac." -George Orwell

"Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness.  Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -George Santayana

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.. God forbid we should ever be twenty years without a rebellion.  The people cannot be all, and always informed.  The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive.  If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty... And what country can preserve it's liberties, if it's rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?  Let them take arms.  The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them.  What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?  The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.  It is natural manure." -Thomas Jefferson

www.stormcloudsgathering.com- "The Road To WWIII"
www.theeconomiccollapseblog.com- "Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The Strings"
www.infowars.com-"Zeitgeist Addendum: A Critical Review"